In October we had an opportunity to present Fiberglass (FRP) fan products to end users and engineering companies in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland. The products were mounted on a custom equipment trailer and represented a cross section of the FRP air moving products that Hartzell offers.

SysTech, along with Hartzell personnel, presented the trailer at over 20 companies to over 200 personnel, over a one-week period.
Invariably when we do these presentations, participants express gratitude for the hands-on exhibit, as they have never seen these products up close, examined the construction technique, nor really understood why one manufacturer is better than another.
The trailer had both centrifugal and axial FRP fans along with wheel types and a wall louver and a damper. Fiberglass is a niche product but mandatory to handle harsh chemical air streams. Corrosive environments are the ideal place for these fiberglass exhaust fans, offering both long life with minimal maintenance required.
The question was asked, “how does FRP compare with stainless steel construction?” As an alternative, depending on gases present, stainless steel can be a great option in some aggressive environments and at Hartzell, they offer similar fan models in stainless steel construction where FRP may not be the customer’s preference or compatible construction material.
An important stainless steel axial fan option that clients appreciate is the swingout feature, which allows cleaning of the fan interior without dismantling the fan. This is known as the Hartzell Series 69S. It’s a major reduction to a maintenance headache!
Hartzell Air Movement Roof Exhauster with fan assembly “Swing-Out” feature
Hartzell fans are true industrial grade and designed for harsh environments with minimal maintenance which is one of the reasons they are backed by a 5-Year warranty. And if you need these products in a hurry, they offer a Rapid-Ship Program that ships designated models in 48 hours or 5-day!