A recent project in Philadelphia, PA required a replacement of a Donaldson explosion vent. It happens – plastic membrex media gets old and fragile and needs to be replaced. Or maybe there’s a product shift and the Kst and Pmax change due to material characteristics, requiring additional explosion protection. We also have clients who simply want a backup on the shelf should a deflagration occur, and cannot afford to have the process shut down.
Explosion venting products manufactured by IEP Technologies, an HOERBIGER Safety Solutions company, mitigate the devastating effects of combustible dust or vapor explosions, protecting personnel, high-value assets and processing facilities. Their domed and flat explosion relief panels are light-weight guaranteeing a quick opening with a higher service life enabling their use under the hardest conditions.
Recently a need to replace a Torit membrane vent on a collector that was located outdoors without explosion vent duct that required 45 minutes to change out! The IEP vent replaced both the membrane and the vent cover on the Donaldson dust collector. Change out Instructions
A Donaldson Torit dust collector Model DFE with two (2) Membrex membrane explosion vents. The vent covers are shown in the photo.
A single IEP Technologies with KE explosion vent 34” x 46” inches fitted to original Donaldson vent flange.
We’ve been replacing vents on almost all manufacturers of dust collectors to help customers comply with safety standards and keep their equipment in top operation.
Need a vent in a hurry or a quick survey of your existing vent, give us a call at 610-524-9048.