“Reclaimed chicken manure produces an abrasive problem.”

A Poultry house where chicken manure is collected. The baghouse retrofit done here helped to increase the filter’s durability and made the air surrounding the manure processing site cleaner.
A major chicken processor in Southern Maryland collects its chickens’ manure to create nutrient rich plant fertilizer. The manure is collected from chicken warehouses, pressed into pellet form and packaged into a marketable bag product. Handling problems occur because the manure is dusty, chemically aggressive and physically abrasive.
Poultry manure has long been recognized as perhaps the most desirable of natural fertilizers (approximately 1.8 nitrogen, 1.5 phosphates, and 0.8 for potash). In addition, it serves as a soil amendment by adding organic matter which improves water and nutrient retention.
As the collected dried manure is captured a “bag house” dust collector was used to collect and minimize airborne dust. The manure was very aggressive chemically and abrades the filter bag material causing “bleed thru” or holes in the filter media, producing a puff of dust from the bag house fan exhaust.
The customer had two (2) 20,000 CFM bag-house dust collectors in which they routinely “changed-out” the filter bags on a scheduled basis. The bag-houses had multiple 8 to 10 foot long filter bags slipped over a galvanized filter support cage. That required shutting down the unit, gaining access to the interior, removing the bags and support cages, removing the spent bags and slipping new ones over each cage and reinserting into the dust collector.
Advantages of Pleated Filter Bags
Systech provided Donaldson top loading pleated filter bags with Ultra-Web SB media in eight (8) foot length, each pleated filter bag with 35 ft. ² of media (compared to the original bags that were 12.6 ft. ² each). A total of 600 pleated bags were needed and delivered in 2 days to the jobsite. The pleated design allowed fast change-out with cages not required. Installation time was reduced from 5 to 2 days, minimizing downtime and maximizing the utility of the bag/cage package. The pleated filter media is available in several media types, selected on the nature of the particulate collected. These pleated filter bags will fit almost all dust collectors on the market today.
Having a technically superior product in an advanced filter bag design was part of the project. The impetus behind the project was sparked by a fire in one the bag houses which required immediate refurbishment and quick delivery of replacement filters.
Donaldson Company came through, with the right product, in the right amount of time, to meet the customer’s needs! The right filter makes all the difference. SysTech can be relied on to recommend the best quality filters for your process, and have things running smoothly in as little time as possible so you can get back to business. Call us at 800-456-9460.