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Seven C’s of an Air Pollution Control System

SysTech Design Inc. has issued/posted their “Seven C’s of an Air Pollution Control System”. The 7Cs is a video depicting a typical dust collection system wherein the importance of equally important “key” components of a dust collection system design are presented....

Technology Beats Marketing When Evaluating Dust Collectors

SysTech attended a Donaldson Company sales meeting from September 8th to the 10th where we were introduced to the latest dust collector technology, the Donaldson Torit Downflo® Evolution (DFE) cartridge dust collector. You’ve got to see this! “40% fewer filters...

Improved Baghouse Performance with Pleated Filter Bags

“Out with the old, In with the new.”   Over the years, there have been numerous product developments that have changed their respective industry, or even the world as we know it. A few come to mind; the automobile, the airplane, the personal computer...

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