Composting is a recognized effective strategy for managing waste. The process of decomposition is aerobic, and aeration of the collected organic materials is critical to consuming microbes. The oxygen supplied supports aerobic biological decomposition and simultaneously carries away excess heat. Air supply design is a critical part of the composting equation to ensure maximum efficiency in converting nutrients and energy sources into compost; compost facility operators rely on airflow control to optimize the decomposition rate to minimize pathogens and odors.
SysTech had an opportunity to work with the design engineer on a new composting facility and specified Hartzell Air Movement FRP fans and blowers. Hartzell fans and blowers have a well-earned reputation for efficiency and heavy-duty design, with excellent corrosion resistance to aggressive airstreams, and composting/decomposition produces ammonia. Supplied Hartzell FRP fans were constructed per ASTM D4167 97 (including Veil & Electric Grounding) with a DOW 510A Vinyl Ester fan coating. Drive motors were Explosion Proof, inverter duty for VFD airflow control.

One of five (5) Hartzell Air Movement Series 41 FRP Fans, 125 HP, arrangement 8.
There were twenty-two (22) fans on the project, including Series 41 Fiberglass Backward Curved Centrifugal Fans, five (5) of which have 49-inch wheels, Series 42 Fiberglass Pressure Blowers, and Series 52 Tubeaxial Fans. Composting requires a lot of air for oxygen supply, and this facility design required 300,000 CFM. Systech worked closely with the controls engineer on site to set up fans to achieve the needed airflows for the process during commissioning.
One of fifteen (15) aeration manifolds with Hartzell Air Movement Series 41 FRP pressure blowers.