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Is your Rotary Airlock a Maintenance Headache?

“Explosion Isolation per NFPA 69 is required at Hopper Outlet!”   When addressing an explosion issue in a dust collector, vacuum filtration unit or pneumatic conveying system, using chemical suppression or venting, we also need to provide isolation should a...

Explosion Vent Retrofits – Call First!

Explosion Vents and the references for their safe installation and evaluation have been around since 1945, with updates from National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) 68, “Standard on Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting”, issued 1954, 1974, 1994, 2002,...

The KISS Principle and Dust Collection System Monitoring

Every design engineer has been told to follow the KISS Principal or “Keep It Simple Stupid.”  Making something overly complex by design or bad choices in components can result in maintenance issues down the road.  While designing and installing dust systems, I’ve seen...

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