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On February 6th through the 9th Hartzell Air Movement and SysTech drove a product trailer to several engineering firms to show the quality and project applicability of their industrial fans and blowers.  Presenters were Chad Ewing of Hartzell and Adam Conley, Matt Glover, Zach Fausnaught and Bob Shipe of SysTech at the various stops.

Hartzell Product Trailer

Products on the trailer included:

Wall propeller fans –  Series 02 and 09
Roof Exhauster – clean in-place or “swing out design” –  Series 69S
Turbo Pressure Blower – Series 07T
Belt and Direct Drive Utility Fans – Series 05
Fiberglass Axial Fan – Series 29
Down Blast Fiberglass Centrifugal Fan- Series 83
Fiberglass Centrifugal Fan – Series 41
Axial Steel Fan – Series 46
Axial Specialty Fan – Series 52
Newly Designed Plug Fan
Assortment of specialty and standard propeller designs for all axial products

Presentation of the Products

Seeing is believing, and the product quality was evident to those able to brave the weather conditions!

The presenters spoke about the design of the fans and typical applications, along with many of the other products that Hartzell offers, the NEW 5 Year warranty, quality, and dedication to service that Hartzell provides and puts into their fans from “cradle-to-grave”.  They expanded further on Hartzell’s 48 Hour Quick Ship Service to allow clients with immediate needs to acquire quality products in a pinch or with a minimal downtime window.  Q and A Sessions were held at the end of each visit so individual attendees could address application questions about specific projects. Because of the extreme weather the week of the presentations, a second trip is anticipated in June of this year.

Sharing our knowledge is one of the most satisfying parts of being experts in our industry. If you’d like to know more about Hartzell fans and blowers, or any other products, just call 800-456-9460 and speak with a SysTech representative who is ready to answer your questions!


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