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Experiencing extreme heat issues during the summertime? Well, you aren’t the only one! Our client in New Jersey uses curing ovens in their process, which generated excessive heat that resulted in production room temperatures over 100⁰ F.

“First time in 10 years I haven’t been sweating during the summertime”

– Production Manager

Using the air-changes-per-hour (ACH) method; I was able to provide the customer with the airflow they needed to exhaust the hot air and provide acceptable working conditions within the manufacturing space. The picture below shows two (2) Hartzell Series 61 Roof Exhausters @35,000 CFM each, which were positioned directly above each oven; New roof penetrations were not required as the new fans were able to be fitted to the existing roof curbs.

Rooftop view showing Hartzell Series 61 Roof Exhausters

Also shown in the photo is a Hartzell Air Movement Series 69S, located between the two (2) Series 61’s. This is a 5,000 CFM axial fan ducted to a source capture hood over a quenching tank.  The hood is capturing smoke and oil from a quenching tank. Not knowing the amount of oil that would be captured, the Series 69S swing out housing allows the end-user to unlatch the motor fan assembly from the fan body and periodically check/clean inside of the fan without removing or dismantling the fan.

Detail view of Hartzell Air Movement Series 69S

Problems solved!  At SysTech, we understand during the summer months the need for ventilation is a top priority.  We can meet these demands with these Series 61 direct drive upblast roof ventilators in just 3-5 working days!


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